Complete Discount Auto Repair $14.95 Oil Change most cars Free A/C Check $45 hour Brake Pads Installed $29.95 most cars


Our experienced, certified mechanics repair cars for less money.

Most auto repairs can be completed in the same day.

We don’t guess what is wrong or bolt on new parts hoping to resolve a problem.

We are sure that
you won’t find a professional garage anywhere in Lake County, Florida, that expertly repairs cars for less money than Complete Discount Auto Repair.

We have the latest
diagnostic equipment for every vehicle.

Bring us a written estimate for any automotive repair and we will beat that estimate by 20% to 50%.

Because parts are parts, your savings is in the labor.

We promise that we will save you money.

Complete Discount Auto Repair's Montecarlo

Complete Discount Auto Repair
19701 State Rd 44 Eustis , Florida 32736

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